
Showing posts from September, 2017

Update to latest version of Node.js in mac

If you are using node.js and what to update your framework to a newer stable version follow the steps below 1. Open the terminal Open Terminal Terminal Window 2. Check the node version Click here to see how to check the node version 3. Type the following command sudo npm cache clean -f  (force) clear you npm cache clearing npm cache 4. Type the password if prompted as we are using sudo command Password Prompt 5. After that you will get like this below It indicates the cache has been cleared 5.  sudo npm install -g n  install "n" (this might take a while) Checking for new version. You may use the command suggested or follow the procedure to update to the newest stable version 6.  sudo n stable  upgrade to lastest version  7. Check for the node version Thats all to update into the new version of the Node.js in mac. If any help or suggestion comment your opinion below. Thank you. ...

Checking the node.js version in MAC

After installing Node.js to your PC all you need to do to check weather it is installed correctly or its version follow the steps below 1. Open the termainal Search for terminal and open Terminal Window 2. Type the following command  command :   node -v In the command Node specifies node.js and -v means version which intern the os returns the current installed version of node.js Command : node -v 3.  Thats it will return the version of the node.js In my case it was v6.11.0 Node Version : v6.11.0 Comment if you need any help in node.js will help you out if any. Feel free to ask any thing.