
Showing posts from July, 2019

Configure OAuth in Open edx

  Configuring Open edX is very similar for Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Azure. In the  lms.env.json  file, change the value of  FEATURES  >  ENABLE_THIRD_PARTY_AUTH  to  true  (it is  false  by default). If necessary, make sure that the correct backend is specified. If you are using Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Active Directory, open the  lms.env.json  file and look for the  THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_BACKENDS  list. By default, the file does not contain this list. If the  lms.env.json  file does not contain the  THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_BACKENDS  list, you do not have to complete any additional steps. If the  lms.env.json  file contains the  THIRD_PARTY_AUTH_BACKENDS  list, add the backend for the applicable IdP to the list. For Google, add  "" . For Facebook, add  "social_core.backends.facebook.FacebookOAuth2" . For LinkedIn, add...

Register the Open edX Instance with Azure Active Directory

  You can use Azure Active Directory to allow users with Microsoft Office 365 Business accounts to sign in to Open edX. Note that this feature currently does not work with other types of Microsoft accounts (such as “” or “” accounts). If you do not have a Microsoft account, create one on the  Microsoft sign in  page. If you do not have an Azure subscription, create one on the  Azure account creation  page. Note You must enter a credit card on this page, but if you do not create any virtual machines or other services besides Azure AD, you will not be charged. Go to the  Azure sign in  page. Click  New , locate  Active Directory , and then select  Create . Enter a name, domain name, and country. Create the new application. Find the new Active Directory in the portal, select  Applications , select  Add , and then select  Add an application my organization is developing . Enter a name for the app, and then...

Register the Open edX Instance with LinkedIn

  To create the LinkedIn app, follow these steps. Go to the  LinkedIn Developers  page. Click  Create Application , enter your information in the form, and then submit the form. On the page that opens with information about the app, note the  Client ID  and  Client Secret . In the  OAuth 2.0  section, for  Authorized Redirect URL , enter  <Open   edX   instance   domain>/auth/complete/linkedin-oauth2/ . For example, for devstack, enter  http://localhost:8000/auth/complete/linkedin-oauth2/ . Select  Update  to save your information.

Register the Open edX Instance with Facebook

  To create the app in the Facebook developer portal, follow these steps. Sign in to Facebook, then go to the  Facebook for Developers  page. Select  Add a New App , and then select  Website . Enter a name for the app, and then select  Create New Facebook App ID . Enter your information in the rest of the fields in the app creation process. Under  Quick Start for Website , select  Skip Quick Start . You are now at the developer console page for the new Facebook app. Select  Settings , and note the  App ID  and  App Secret . On the  Settings  page, select  Add Platform , and then select  Website . For  Site URL , enter the URL of your Open edX instance (for example,  <http://localhost:8000/>  for devstack). In the  App Domains  field, enter the domain name from this URL (for example,  localhost ). Select  Save Changes . Under  Products  ->  Facebook L...

Register the Open edX Instance with Google

  The following instructions describe how to configure Google as a third party authentication provider so that users can use Google accounts (which includes Google Apps accounts) to sign in. These are based on the official Google instructions. Obtain credentials to access the Google API. To do this, follow the  official Google instructions  to go to the  Google Developers Console , create a new project, and enable the Google+ API service. In the Google Developers Console, select  API Manager , and then select  OAuth Consent Screen . For  Product name shown to users  enter the name of your Open edX instance (for example, “Example Academy Online”). Select  Save . Select the  Credentials  tab, select  Create credentials , and then select  OAuth client ID . For  Application type , select  Web application . Leave the  Authorized JavaScript origins  field blank. For  Authorized redirect URIs , enter...